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[29 Dec 2019 | Comments Off on Can Pushup Ability Predict Longevity? | ]
Can Pushup Ability Predict Longevity?

According to a 2019 study, the answer might be yes.

In the study, researchers followed 1,100 men for 10 years. At the beginning of the study there were assessed in a number of ways, one of which was a pushup test.

Here are some quotes from an article which summarised the findings of the study:

“The participants were then followed for a decade to see if they experienced a cardiovascular event, such as a diagnosis of coronary artery disease, heart failure or cardiac arrest.”

“During the study period, 37 cardiovascular events were found …

Exercise, Miscellaneous »

[29 Dec 2019 | Comments Off on Making New Years Resolutions Stick | ]
Making New Years Resolutions Stick

I wanted to share this article from the Harvard Medical School website which outlines steps you can take to make sure your New Years Resolutions come true.

It’s a great idea to make resolutions, especially if they involve improving your health or taking better care of yourself. But making the resolution is only the beginning. Improving your health involves making regular efforts to eat well, exercise more, drink less etc.

It can be hard to instantly make these kinds of changes so this article gives some great advice to help …

Exercise, Pain »

[29 Dec 2019 | Comments Off on Painkilling Injection? Try Exercise Instead! | ]
Painkilling Injection? Try Exercise Instead!

A new study has shed light on the effects of injections on our bodies. It was previously thought that if your pain was considerable, you may as well try the injection – if it works, great! And if it doesn’t work, no big deal, you can try something else instead.

An article published on the Telegraph.co.uk site reported that this is not the full story. Here is a direct quote form the article:

Study leader Dr Ali Guermazi, of Boston University School of Medicine in the US, said: “We’ve been telling patients that even …

Exercise, Pain »

[7 Aug 2019 | Comments Off on Product Review: Vibrating Foam Roller | ]
Product Review: Vibrating Foam Roller

Most of you know that I have a background working with elite athletes. In the 2000s I did a bunch of trips with the Australian Athletics team and treated a lot of world and olympic champions. I don’t travel with teams anymore but I still see plenty of athletes.

Athletes are always incredibly interested in self maintenance, because they’re always in pain to some extent. Over the last year I have heard from them about these new types of foam rollers that have a little motor in them that causes …

Exercise, Pain »

[28 Apr 2019 | Comments Off on Is 10 minutes of exercise enough? | ]
Is 10 minutes of exercise enough?

According to new research, all you need is 10 minutes of exercise a day. In this study of 1500 people who were followed for 4 years, ” a brisk, short walk of less than 10 minutes a day is enough to keep older adults on their feet, reducing the risk of becoming disabled by 85 per cent.”

At the start of the study, every one of the 1500 people “were suffering pain, aching of stiffness from arthritis in their knees, hips, ankles or feet”.

The people who were able to do …

Exercise »

[16 Apr 2019 | Comments Off on Foam Rolling Vs Stretching | ]
Foam Rolling Vs Stretching

Have you ever wondered what works best – foam rolling or stretching? In 2014, researchers set out to answer this question. They compared the effect of rolling vs stretching as part of a warmup designed to reduce the risk of lower leg (foot and ankle) injuries.

The results were great for foam roller fans everywhere. Stretching has been linked to reduced force and power if overused as part of a warmup. In this study, it was found that foam rolling can help you achieve the desired improvement in range of motion, …

Exercise »

[11 Feb 2019 | Comments Off on How to stretch at work | ]
How to stretch at work

Of course you can. Stretching is not just great fun, it’s great for you. Prolonged sitting is about the worst thing you can do, right up there with smoking or being overweight. So you need to move more and when you do get up from your chair, you should take that opportunity to have a quick stretch.

I found this great article that outlines a series of stretches you can do at your desk using your chair as a prop to stretch almost any part of the body. Check it out …

Exercise »

[19 Aug 2018 | Comments Off on Back Exercises | ]
Back Exercises

I was recently sent an article which I thought I would share with you. The article outlines 30 different exercises for the different parts of your back, and includes video demonstrations by a 2 time Olympian. The videos are clear and concise and the exercises are exactly the same as I give out myself.
I love that there are exercises for mobility, strength, core, and some yoga moves and a bit of foam rolling in there as well. We all need a combination of mobility, strength and stability, so this outline …

Exercise »

[23 Jul 2018 | Comments Off on Considering knee surgery? Read this first | ]
Considering knee surgery? Read this first

That was the title of an article on The Conversation website a couple of weeks ago. Here is the link to the article, as well as a few choice quotes I have selected as a quick summary:
“Knee surgery is common. Young adults have their anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed after tearing it when playing sports. Middle-aged people have parts of their meniscus trimmed when they have pain and limited knee mobility. And older people have their knees replaced by metal and plastic when their cartilage has worn out. The idea that …

Exercise »

[21 May 2018 | Comments Off on Exercise Breaks Improve Your Memory | ]
Exercise Breaks Improve Your Memory

Did you catch the latest article on Neurosciencenews.com? If not, you’re in luck, because I did! In the article, a summary of research was outlined which showed the benefits of microbreaks for students and adults alike.
According to the study, it was shown that taking a break and doing a series of brief exercises led to:

An improved ability to focus attention
An improved ability to retain information, and
Improvements in overall learning ability.

To read more, see below.
New research from a team of scientists at McMaster University suggests that brief exercise breaks during lectures …