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[13 Mar 2019 | Comments Off on Can daytime naps lower your blood pressure? | ]

Yes they can. And according to the latest research, they do it as effectively as medications.
This is great news for people like me who love a sneaky disco nap. And it’s great news for any of you taking blood pressure medication. After all, who wouldn’t love to be taking less medications!
In a 2019 article on the website MedicalNewsToday, 212 people were studied. These were not the healthiest people – average age of 62, plenty of smokers and people with type 2 diabetes. Yet even with these complicating factors, the study found …

Exercise »

[11 Feb 2019 | Comments Off on How to stretch at work | ]
How to stretch at work

Of course you can. Stretching is not just great fun, it’s great for you. Prolonged sitting is about the worst thing you can do, right up there with smoking or being overweight. So you need to move more and when you do get up from your chair, you should take that opportunity to have a quick stretch.

I found this great article that outlines a series of stretches you can do at your desk using your chair as a prop to stretch almost any part of the body. Check it out …

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[31 Jan 2019 | Comments Off on Can an App beat ADHD medications? | ]
Can an App beat ADHD medications?

Researchers at Cambridge university have developed an app for brain training that could revolutionise the way we treat things like ADHD. Imagine if, instead of giving your child drugs, you could let them play an app that not just is fun, but which also significantly improves their concentration and memory.

More and more kids are being put on ADHD medications, so if you know anyone in that situation, share this article. Studies performed using this app produced incredible improvements in attention and concentration, resulting in “neurological improvements in healthy …

Pain »

[16 Jan 2019 | Comments Off on Want to live longer, man? | ]
Want to live longer, man?

I just read a great article about how men can increase their longevity. Being the start of the year I’m all about planning to have a healthy 2019 so this really caught my eye. On average, men live 4.5 years less than women, are more likely to develop cancer and more likely to develop cardiovascular disease.

These tips were compiled by Tania Flack of Bondi Health and Wellness, a wonderful practitioner in the clinic next door to me. Her advice relates to things like weight, sleep, energy levels, mental health, …

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[2 Jan 2019 | Comments Off on Happy New Year! | ]
Happy New Year!

Hurrah, welcome to 2019! Hope you had a wonderful break and if you are lucky enough to still be on holidays, make the most of it, you’ll miss it once it’s over! I hope the year ahead is full of health and happiness for you and yours. I am back in clinic now so if you need anything give me a call on 93896344.

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[16 Dec 2018 | Comments Off on Christmas Hours | ]
Christmas Hours

Just to let you know, I will be finishing work for 2018 on Friday the 21st December. I will be returning on Thursday January 3rd. If you need to get in before Dec 21 I suggest you call 93896344 ASAP as there are only a few spots left. If you are feeling good let me take this opportunity to wish you and yours every happiness for the festive season, and good health and prosperity in 2019! I look forward to catching up with you when I next see you. Feliz …

Nutrition »

[5 Dec 2018 | Comments Off on Silly Season Health Tips | ]
Silly Season Health Tips

I work next door to a clinic full of brilliant Naturopaths and Nutritionists. They just released a series of tips and tricks for surviving silly season. The full article can be found here: https://www.bondihealthandwellness.com/article/christmas-health-and-wellness-tips/ and you still have time to join their 21-day practitioner-supported weight loss challenge which focuses on real wholesome food, healthy lifestyle advice and sleep and stress management techniques, and includes recipes, shopping lists, meal plan suggestions, and tips to help you stay on track.
A couple of little tips to whet your appetite:

Take a good B-vitamin complex …

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[26 Nov 2018 | Comments Off on Do hangovers get worse as we get older? | ]
Do hangovers get worse as we get older?

Mine are certainly getting worse! And it turns out I’m not alone. A recent story on abc.net.au broke it all down, and the timing could not be better with silly season is about to kick off.
Apparently there are a number of reasons our hangovers feel more severe as we age, and why it takes longer to get over a big night.
A couple of key takeaways form the article:

Older people tend to have more inflammation throughout their body than younger people, Professor Scholey said. Add the inflammatory effects of alcohol and its by-products …

Pain »

[31 Oct 2018 | Comments Off on Migraines and Vitamin Deficiencies | ]
Migraines and Vitamin Deficiencies

I was sent an article last week by a Nutritionist I know (she’s an amazing Nutritionist, if you’re looking for one!) which talked about the link between migraine headaches and certain vitamin deficiencies. According to the article, “A high percentage of children, teens and young adults with migraines appear to have mild deficiencies in vitamin D, riboflavin and coenzyme Q10 — a vitamin-like substance found in every cell of the body that is used to produce energy for cell growth and maintenance.”
Now, to me, this is a bit of a …

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[24 Oct 2018 | Comments Off on Let’s talk about Sleep, baby | ]
Let’s talk about Sleep, baby

I love Salt n Pepa so much.
Anyway, in this post I wanted to talk about sleep. I had a cold a couple of weeks ago and even though it was pretty mild, I couldn’t shake it because I kept having interrupted sleep. I have also seen a few people recently who have been having problems with sleep, and jaw clenching, and migraines, so it’s been on my mind.
As you know we work next door to a great clinic with a few Naturopaths and Nutritionists. I went and had a chat …