Articles in the Pain Category
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![Botox for Back Pain?](
We’ve certainly seen an increase in the number of people who have used Botox in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney in the last couple of years. Well, that’s obvious if you go to Icebergs or Catalina’s I guess. But what we’re talking about today is the use of Botox for things like Migraines, TMJ disorders, and things like neck or back pain.
Apart from making your neck pain look more youthful, does it work?
We found a research paper which summarised the results of 9 different studies on this topic to get …
Pain »
![Small weight loss = much less pressure on joints](
I’m often asked whether losing weight would help a particular problem. For example, “If I lost a few kilos, would it help my back pain?”.
I think that if someone is overweight, then losing a few kilos is a good idea anyway, as there are so many general health benefits to maintaining a healthy weight.
But I wasn’t really sure if it would help a particular injury. What I mean by that is I think if you have back pain, you should try to fix your back. If you just lose weight, …
Exercise, Pain »
![Returning to the Gym? Read this first.](
We are expecting to be seeing a lot of people with injuries related to the sudden desire to quickly get in shape. Their exercise regime drifted a little over the last few months but with Summer approaching they need to get their bikini body back. Bravo I say! But, we need to temper that enthusiasm/desperation with a little common sense. If you’re trying to fit 6 months worth of training into the next 6 weeks read on.
I think the most common times people get injured is when they start a …
Exercise, Pain »
![Creating a Daily Routine](
Hey everyone, hope you and your families are all safe and well!
We had a bit of a downturn when the restrictions all started, but since then have been becoming steadily busier. A lot of this has been down to the effects of working from home.
Everyone is thrown off at the moment in one way or another. The chair and desk you sit on are different. The hours you work. The stress you are under. You can’t go to the gym you usually go to, or the yoga class you …
Exercise, Pain »
![Painkilling Injection? Try Exercise Instead!](
A new study has shed light on the effects of injections on our bodies. It was previously thought that if your pain was considerable, you may as well try the injection – if it works, great! And if it doesn’t work, no big deal, you can try something else instead.
An article published on the site reported that this is not the full story. Here is a direct quote form the article:
Study leader Dr Ali Guermazi, of Boston University School of Medicine in the US, said: “We’ve been telling patients that even …
Exercise, Pain »
![Product Review: Vibrating Foam Roller](
Most of you know that I have a background working with elite athletes. In the 2000s I did a bunch of trips with the Australian Athletics team and treated a lot of world and olympic champions. I don’t travel with teams anymore but I still see plenty of athletes.
Athletes are always incredibly interested in self maintenance, because they’re always in pain to some extent. Over the last year I have heard from them about these new types of foam rollers that have a little motor in them that causes …
Pain »
![If you herniate a disc, will it “go back in”?](
According to a recently released summary of the research, there is a 66% chance that WITHOUT SURGERY your disc herniation will resolve.
Researchers looked at all the studies on this between 1990-2015. Different studies reported differing levels of resolution, with one saying up to 82% of people in their group got better with treatment and exercise and rest; no need for surgery!
I’ve certainly seen surgeons attitudes towards alternatives like seeing another health practitioner, doing back exercises, and keeping active, change over the last few years. It used to be a …
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![Why you need a Spiky Ball](
I’m a huge fan of self massage. Whether it’s foam rolling, using a spiky or massage ball, or just digging my fingers into my shoulder, I find softening the muscles is a great adjunct to doing a little bit of stretching or mobility work. It feels good, it always helps, and it’s a nice thing to do for yourself. But what are the other benefits?
Using a spiky ball is a great idea for many reasons. First, it helps break down muscle tension and is the best way to release the …
Exercise, Pain »
![Is 10 minutes of exercise enough?](
According to new research, all you need is 10 minutes of exercise a day. In this study of 1500 people who were followed for 4 years, ” a brisk, short walk of less than 10 minutes a day is enough to keep older adults on their feet, reducing the risk of becoming disabled by 85 per cent.”
At the start of the study, every one of the 1500 people “were suffering pain, aching of stiffness from arthritis in their knees, hips, ankles or feet”.
The people who were able to do …
Pain »
![Want to live longer, man?](
I just read a great article about how men can increase their longevity. Being the start of the year I’m all about planning to have a healthy 2019 so this really caught my eye. On average, men live 4.5 years less than women, are more likely to develop cancer and more likely to develop cardiovascular disease.
These tips were compiled by Tania Flack of Bondi Health and Wellness, a wonderful practitioner in the clinic next door to me. Her advice relates to things like weight, sleep, energy levels, mental health, …