Articles in the Exercise Category
Exercise, Headline »
Ok this story blew us away.
According to a recent study (which was performed on a small number of people to be fair), ChatGPT was more accurate at diagnosing illnesses than a group of doctors.
From the source article:
“A new research study indicates that Open AI’s chatbot Chat GPT-4 is better at diagnosing diseases than human doctors, according to The New York Times.
Fifty doctors, a mix of attending physicians and residents, participated in the study; diagnoses were based on evaluations of medical patient cases. All in all, Chat GPT-4 got a 90% score for the diagnoses it delivered; the …
Exercise »
Ok this is pretty cool! A study on overweight people (who are at risk of developing diabetes), found that in an 8 1/2 hour workday, if they got up every 45 minutes and simply did 10 squats, it was better for them than if they went for a half hour walk! Sounds too good to be true but the results don’t lie. A simple health hack for you to add to your workday!
If you want to read more about the evidence these results are based on, the full study can …
Exercise »
That’s the conclusion of a major study of more than 14,000 people which has found some types of exercise can be better than anti-depressants alone. A summary, posted on the ABC News website, stated that “it doesn’t matter how many times a week you exercise, but the more vigorous the better.”
As a result, GPs are being encouraged to refer more patients to exercise physiologists. Two local EP based clinics we especially love are Longevity PT and LiveWell Fitness.
Some conclusions from the summary include:
Walking or jogging, yoga and strength training are about as effective as cognitive behavioural therapy and more effective than anti-depressant …
Exercise »
We recently were alerted to a 2018 study on the effects of different sports on longevity. It turns out that regular participation in sports is great for helping you live a longer and healthier life. No surprises there, but the magnitude of the effect differs between sports quite considerably.
The Copenhagen City Heart Study followed nearly 9,000 people for 25 years and monitored their sporting and other lifestyle habits. This is what they found:
Life expectancy gains compared with the sedentary group for different sports were as follows: tennis, 9.7 years; badminton, 6.2 years; …
Exercise »
That’s according to the latest research. Here are the key points from the article on Medical News Today:
Researchers from Amsterdam conducted a study to see whether running could be as helpful as antidepressants for treating depression and anxiety symptoms.The researchers found that both groups experienced similar improvements in their depression symptoms.However, the running group also saw improvements in physical health, while the antidepressant participants experienced slightly worse physical health.
The researchers recruited 141 participants with either depression or anxiety disorder. They gave the participants the option to take either an antidepressant — …
Exercise »
Prolonged sitting is one of the single worst things you can do for your health. Not only is it a cause of lower back pain and poor posture (slumping), it is associated with numerous other health outcomes.
They include obesity and a cluster of conditions — increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels — that make up metabolic syndrome.
For now I want to talk about the effects on your lower back. One of the ways sitting causes lower back …
Exercise, Uncategorized »
According to a 2015 study, a Combination of Foam Rolling, followed by Stretching, produces the best results.
In the study, a group of athletes were tested using all 3 protocols on different days. For example, they were told to just Foam Roll, then assessed/measured on one day. On another day, they were told just to Stretch, then assessed and measured again. Then on another day they were told to Foam Roll AND Stretch and measured for the third time.
The greatest effects were seen when people did the combination, with an increase in …
Exercise, Nutrition »
With a global pandemic running around, there’s never been a better time to work on your immune system. You want it functioning at its absolute peak right now.
As we age, our immune system ages too. This means it doesn’t quite function as well as it used to. Luckily there is something we can do about it.
I just read an article talking about this and thought I would share the link as well as give you a few of the key points. This stuff is important because we actually need …
Exercise, Pain »
We are expecting to be seeing a lot of people with injuries related to the sudden desire to quickly get in shape. Their exercise regime drifted a little over the last few months but with Summer approaching they need to get their bikini body back. Bravo I say! But, we need to temper that enthusiasm/desperation with a little common sense. If you’re trying to fit 6 months worth of training into the next 6 weeks read on.
I think the most common times people get injured is when they start a …
Exercise, Pain »
Hey everyone, hope you and your families are all safe and well!
We had a bit of a downturn when the restrictions all started, but since then have been becoming steadily busier. A lot of this has been down to the effects of working from home.
Everyone is thrown off at the moment in one way or another. The chair and desk you sit on are different. The hours you work. The stress you are under. You can’t go to the gym you usually go to, or the yoga class you …