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[24 Jun 2021 | Comments Off on Does Spinal Taping Work? | ]

This is a question we get asked a lot, especially after a tournament like the French Open where we see all these tennis players with bright pink tape on their knees and shoulders. It looks amazing, but does it actually work?

A 2015 study looked at 8 previous Randomised Control Trials (RCTs) into the effectiveness of taping for back pain and spinal injuries. These are very high quality studies.

What did these studies find?

Regarding low back pain they found that: “Meta-analysis of RCTs on low back pain demonstrated that elastic taping …

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[2 Jun 2021 | Comments Off on How Important Are Scan Results? | ]
How Important Are Scan Results?

Often when you get a scan done, whether it’s an Xray, MRI, CT, or something else, the report comes back showing one problem or another. It can be a bit of a trap to then attribute your symptoms to the problem found in the scan.

But is that necessarily accurate? How worried should you really be if you get a scan and it shows something is wrong?

One study that really answers this question perfectly came out in 2020. In this study, researchers grabbed 230 people with no knee symptoms, and …

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[1 Jun 2021 | Comments Off on Should you exercise after your treatment? | ]
Should you exercise after your treatment?

This is an interesting question, and one that we get multiple times a day. The answer will vary depending on the injury you have, but the findings of one study are worth considering when we look at this.

In this study, people were given an ultrasound to measure the thickness of the Lumbar Multifidus muscle, which is a key lower back stabilising muscle. Then they had their back adjusted (aka ‘cracked’). Then they had another ultrasound to assess the thickness of that muscle again.

They found that the muscle was thicker. This …

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[30 May 2021 | Comments Off on Foam Rolling, Stretching, or A Combination – What Works Best? | ]
Foam Rolling, Stretching, or A Combination – What Works Best?

According to a 2015 study, a Combination of Foam Rolling, followed by Stretching, produces the best results. 

In the study, a group of athletes were tested using all 3 protocols on different days. For example, they were told to just Foam Roll, then assessed/measured on one day. On another day, they were told just to Stretch, then assessed and measured again. Then on another day they were told to Foam Roll AND Stretch and measured for the third time. 

The greatest effects were seen when people did the combination, with an increase in …

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[25 Mar 2020 | Comments Off on Coronavirus Update | ]
Coronavirus Update

Updated Wednesday April 15, 2020

First let me say that my thoughts are with any of you who may be affected by this virus at the moment or have family members affected or at risk. I have a high risk relative in my 94 year old Grandmother who has bad lungs and would not survive this virus. Let’s all do everything we can to stop it spreading.

I just wanted to update you on my clinic’s operating hours at this time.

Looking after your health at a time like this takes on greater …

Nutrition, Uncategorized »

[18 Jun 2019 | Comments Off on Digestive Wellness | ]
Digestive Wellness

We are incredibly fortunate to be situated next door to Bondi Health and Wellness, with their team of fantastic Nutritionists and Naturopaths. It gives us the opportunity to pop our heads in and ask advice on various nutritional, supplement and dietary interventions patients might be able to use to facilitate their health and healing.

Recently I spotted an article by Tania Flack about Digestive Wellness on news.com.au. That article outlined one woman’s battle with digestive issues that Tania was able to help her with, specifically issues relating to Leaky Gut …

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[13 Mar 2019 | Comments Off on Can daytime naps lower your blood pressure? | ]

Yes they can. And according to the latest research, they do it as effectively as medications.
This is great news for people like me who love a sneaky disco nap. And it’s great news for any of you taking blood pressure medication. After all, who wouldn’t love to be taking less medications!
In a 2019 article on the website MedicalNewsToday, 212 people were studied. These were not the healthiest people – average age of 62, plenty of smokers and people with type 2 diabetes. Yet even with these complicating factors, the study found …

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[16 Dec 2018 | Comments Off on Christmas Hours | ]
Christmas Hours

Just to let you know, I will be finishing work for 2018 on Friday the 21st December. I will be returning on Thursday January 3rd. If you need to get in before Dec 21 I suggest you call 93896344 ASAP as there are only a few spots left. If you are feeling good let me take this opportunity to wish you and yours every happiness for the festive season, and good health and prosperity in 2019! I look forward to catching up with you when I next see you. Feliz …

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[14 Dec 2017 | Comments Off on Jingle Bells, Batman Smells | ]
Jingle Bells, Batman Smells

Hola Amigos! And Feliz Navidad! Let me wish you all a wonderful festive season, safe travels if you are going away, fun and happiness with your loved ones, and a bit of time off so you can recover from a massive year and prepare for the one ahead.
If you need anything fixed up before the end of the year it’s best to call ASAP – I am still working all of next week but spots are running out fast.
I am going on my Honeymoon (at last!!!), leaving December 23rd and …

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[15 Oct 2017 | Comments Off on Renovation Rumble! | ]
Renovation Rumble!

Inspired by all those reality TV home renovation shows, we have decided to give the clinic a bit of a makeover! For a couple of weeks in late October we will be rolling up our sleeves and getting the grout out which means a few changes in working hours over that time.
Call us on the usual number – 9389 6344 to make appointments. We will be working from pretty much the same address in the clinic next door to us on level 8. You will be given directions when you …