Articles tagged with: Singapore
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2 questions I am routinely asked are whether the fundamental principles of Osteopathy have ever been proven scientifically (ok, I made that up) , and whether I can do a treatment that will help people lose weight (I didn’t make that one up, I work in the Eastern Suburbs after all). A new article in Scientific American will help answer both.
“Osteopathy, that’s all about bones, right?”. Well, kind of. Yes, the prefix “osteo-” pertains to bones. And the suffix “-pathy” pertains to disease. The founder of Osteopathy, Andrew Taylor Still …
Your Body »

Science meets common sense. I read an article last week which summarises findings relating to how stress can affect your immune systemt, and thought I would post a quick summary. It’s something I think we all know deep down, but it’s worth reminding ourselves of, especially as we all get towards the end of the year and start to feel the effects of the last 12 months.
Researchers asked whether the widespread phenomenon of getting a cold during exam time or feeling run-down after a big meeting is merely coincidence, or is …
Your Body »

I spent 5 years working at The Wholistic Medical Centre in Surry Hills, Sydney (Established 1982). I was part of a team of practitioners that included GPs, Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Acupuncturists, Naturopaths and Counsellors. Our clinic had a reputation for Womens Health and we regularly held forums to discuss different conditions. At one of these get togethers my colleagues and I sat down to discuss pregnancy related issues and I thought I would give you a summary of their many decades of experience in dealing with Morning Sickness.
Morning sickness afflicts …