Articles tagged with: Osteopath Bondi Junction back pain
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I was sent an article last week by a Nutritionist I know (she’s an amazing Nutritionist, if you’re looking for one!) which talked about the link between migraine headaches and certain vitamin deficiencies. According to the article, “A high percentage of children, teens and young adults with migraines appear to have mild deficiencies in vitamin D, riboflavin and coenzyme Q10 — a vitamin-like substance found in every cell of the body that is used to produce energy for cell growth and maintenance.”
Now, to me, this is a bit of a …
Miscellaneous »

I love Salt n Pepa so much.
Anyway, in this post I wanted to talk about sleep. I had a cold a couple of weeks ago and even though it was pretty mild, I couldn’t shake it because I kept having interrupted sleep. I have also seen a few people recently who have been having problems with sleep, and jaw clenching, and migraines, so it’s been on my mind.
As you know we work next door to a great clinic with a few Naturopaths and Nutritionists. I went and had a chat …
Pain »

Yes, gold. The same gold that might currently be adorning your wrist has been found to be an effective anti-inflammatory. Is there nothing it can’t do?
The first question I had was “who ate their Rolex to discover this?”. The second question was “how much will a packet of gold nurofen’s cost?” The third was “WHO ATE THEIR ROLEX!?!” I mean, how on earth did they discover that gold works as an anti-inflammatory?
Well, the answer to that lies in the length of time medications are effective. Scientists were trying to work …
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Mark Hyman is a pretty interesting guy. He is a functional medicine expert with a bit of a global following, and I like to check his posts and articles for tips every now and then. I thought I would share his top 5 tips for getting a better night’s sleep with you all, which I received after subscribing to his email. He posts information on gut health, mental health, exercise, nutrition, longevity. Check him out at if you’re keen to learn more.
I want to share my top 5 tips …
Nutrition »

We are extremely fortunate to be next door to Bondi Health and Wellness. The nutritionists and naturopaths there are exceptional, so if you are ever looking for someone we are very happy to recommend them.
They have a blog that is full of super interesting articles. One I thought you guys might find interesting is this one about how to eat right for arthritis
A few little nuggets from the article:
Vegetables – aim to have six to nine serves per day, buy organic, or soak and scrub them if they’re not
Fruit – a …
Pain »

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners has released new guidelines on the treatment of osteoarthritis. The guidelines “rubbished popular and “fad” treatments for osteoarthritis (OA), including opioids, acupuncture, glucosamine, stem cell therapy, insoles and surgery “.
That’s right, the medical association is now “strongly warning against surgeries such as knee arthroscopy, meniscectomy and cartilage repair” when it comes to hip and knee arthritis.
Instead, they suggest things like exercise and weight loss. I recently posted an article on how weight loss reduces pressure in the knee, after studies showed that “for every …
Exercise »

I was recently sent an article which I thought I would share with you. The article outlines 30 different exercises for the different parts of your back, and includes video demonstrations by a 2 time Olympian. The videos are clear and concise and the exercises are exactly the same as I give out myself.
I love that there are exercises for mobility, strength, core, and some yoga moves and a bit of foam rolling in there as well. We all need a combination of mobility, strength and stability, so this outline …
Exercise »

That was the title of an article on The Conversation website a couple of weeks ago. Here is the link to the article, as well as a few choice quotes I have selected as a quick summary:
“Knee surgery is common. Young adults have their anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed after tearing it when playing sports. Middle-aged people have parts of their meniscus trimmed when they have pain and limited knee mobility. And older people have their knees replaced by metal and plastic when their cartilage has worn out. The idea that …
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I get asked this question a lot. And until recently, I thought it made a bit of difference, but if you had good strength and sufficient joint mobility carrying a few extra kilos probably wouldn’t be that big a deal. For your joints at least. Being overweight is associated with all kinds of other health problems, so maintaining a healthy weight is in your best interested regardless.
But now we know exactly how much pressure your joints take on when you take on extra weight. According to a study of overweight …
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Researchers have finally been able to show what happens in utero when pregnant women sleep on their side compared to sleep on their backs. And what they found is that it is better to sleep on your side. According to an article on, scans revealed the following:
“prior work has established that maternal sleeping position – specifically sleeping on the back – is associated with increased risk of stillbirth”
“It is known, however, that sleeping on the left side of the body increases the amount of blood and nutrients that reach the placenta and the baby.”
“when a …